Governance forum

The governance forum has been running for over 10 years and is chaired by Zoe Ollerearnshaw from Hyde Housing.

It exists to encourage discussion and exchange best practice on governance, compliance and regulation from across the sector. The forum’s participants are largely – but not exclusively – company secretaries or governance, compliance or regulation-orientated staff of National Housing Federation members. Meetings take place three times a year across the country.

Members of the Federation can join the governance forum and email group – a space for you to ask questions and advice from your fellow members.

To access this, please email the team who will send you an invite link.

Once you have access, you can search past questions and messages posted to the forum. To see message archives, visit the Topicbox site, type in cosecforum and click continue. You may also need to enter your email address. The message archive should appear and there is a search function to find past messages containing a word or phrase.

You can also post questions. The easiest way to post a question to the forum is to email – the system will know it’s from you and automatically send it into the approval system to be pushed out to everyone (based on their own personal preferences). You can also post a question when logged into the site through the ‘new topic’ button in the top right-hand corner.

Who to speak to

Jess Mullins, Head of Member Relations