Roadmap to equality: an inclusive future


Governance is the framework at the heart of a successful housing association. It sets standards of leadership and control and helps the board to define values by which the organisation will operate.

The NHF has a wide variety of governance resources to support different areas of a housing association governance. Our code of governance is adopted by many members and we support this with additional resources covering a broad range of specific topic areas, from data retention to board appraisal and evaluation.

Are you a board member?

Find out how we support housing association board members to deliver for your organisations and promote excellence in the sector.

Offer to boards

Code of Governance

The Code of Governance is designed to help housing associations achieve the highest standards of governance and board excellence.

Code of Governance

Roadmap to equality: creating an inclusive future

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are integral to housing associations’ work and to excellent governance. Alongside a group of board members, and in partnership with Altair, we've developed a series of resources to help you lead on this work.

Sign up for our Chairs' Challenge, download resources to help guide fair and effective recruitment, and learn from housing associations' experiences running associate board member schemes.

Code of Conduct

The NHF’s Code of Conduct sets out standards for housing associations that are members of the NHF. This is an update of the 2012 publication, and is intended to be used alongside the 2020 Code of Governance. It is for use by individual housing association staff, board members and certain involved residents.

Code of Conduct

Extra support for smaller housing associations

Introducing a new service for NHF members with fewer than 2,000 properties.


Find out more

Upcoming events

Who to speak to

Jess Mullins, Head of Member Relations