Housing associations in 2022: a strategic review

14 March 2022

Over the past six months, the NHF has been leading on a strategic review into the future direction of the housing association sector.

Together with our members, partners and stakeholders, we’ve looked at how prepared housing associations are for the future, how they can overcome the challenges they face, and how they can deliver for residents, communities, and all those in housing need.

The review has also given us the chance to see how the sector is viewed by our partners and stakeholders, and how senior housing association leaders feel about their role and purpose.

Key findings

This report sets out the findings of our strategic review, and how we will work with our members to take them forward in our new three year business strategy. It covers:

  1. The role and purpose of our sector.
  2. Current challenges.
  3. The sector’s strengths.
  4. Addressing our vulnerabilities.

Our new business strategy, which will be based on the input and views we received in this review will be published in April 2022.