Views from our advisory group

Members of the NHF's Finance Policy Advisory Group provide their views, insights and thoughts in a number of key updates for housing associations.

The Finance Policy Advisory Group (FPAG) is a panel of expert advisors from our housing association membership. The group helps to inform and drive the NHF's work on finance policy on behalf of the housing sector.

Nathan Mallows is Director of Finance & ICT at Coastline Housing and Chair of FPAG:

"I have been fortunate to be involved since 2017 when the NHF needed a representative from the South West and was nominated as Chair for the group in 2018. The group’s membership, in addition to providing an expert panel for the policy leads at the NHF, provides a platform for both the Regulator of Social Housing and the Bank of England to discuss social housing in a wider sense. We take feedback from those present, and via the links to the regional forums a wider cross-section of opinion and operational issues.

For me, the work of the group not only supports the great work that the chairs of the regional forums do (entirely voluntarily) but reflects on the importance of working together to achieve the best outcomes for our sector and ultimately our residents, communities and colleagues. I am grateful for the involvement of current and past members of the group who willingly give their time and expertise to help shape the sector's national policy agenda and work across other significant groups such as the SORP working party and ESG Early Adopters Group."

Find out more about the members of the group and the areas it covers.

Regulatory expectation in relation to returns

Nathan Mallows, Chair of the NHF Finance Policy Advisory Group, and Director of Finance, People and Change at Coastline Housing.

Considerations on rents

Finance Policy Advisory Group members discussed rent changes for April 2022. Find out more about some of the agreed considerations for housing associations that came out of the meeting.

Building Safety Bill – implications for the sector

Phil Day, Group Finance Director, Guinness Partnership

An update on LIBOR reform and the transition to SONIA

Matt Cooper, Tax and Treasury Director, Places for People

The new AHP – what are the potential impacts on financial planning?


David Armstrong, Chief Financial Officer, Flagship Group and Phil Elvy, Executive Director of Finance, Great Places Housing Group Limited

The Rent Standard 2020 – are you up to date with permitted exemptions and rent flexibility?

Paul Weston, Chief Financial Officer, Housing and Care 21


The impact of coronavirus: what will be the main challenges for the sector in 2021?

James Walder, Executive Director of Finance & Business Support, North Star Housing Group

It's never been more important to collaborate and share our ideas


Michelle Allott, Group Director of Finance, Together Housing Group

Changes to the planning process

David Armstrong, Chief Financial Officer, Flagship Group and Steven Brook, Chief Executive, Harrogate Housing Association

How Soha is reacting to the SHPS deficit increase

Nasreen Hussain, Director of Finance and Resources, Soha Housing

Who to speak to

Matthias Barker, Finance Policy Leader