Plan for Housing campaign

12 March 2024

Digital toolkit

In the run up to the general election, to support members and key stakeholders, we created a digital toolkit.

We hoped this toolkit woud enable you to amplify our message to the new government. England is in a housing emergency and we need a long-term #PlanForHousing to end the housing crisis for good.

This pack was created to ensure the issues we face as a sector remain in the public spotlight and high up on the political agenda.

The toolkit included the following materials:

  • #PlanForHousing. 
  • Summary about housing associations.
  • Engaging political candidates. 
  • Template letter to parliamentary candidate.
  • The economic impact of building housing report.
  • Political factsheets.
  • Regional factsheets.
  • Let’s fix the housing crisis report. 

Member only

Please login to access this member only content.

Member support

We wanted members to get involved and start the conversation online. They showed their support by sharing the social media graphics below to share on X and LinkedIn.

You could also add a badge to your website and a banner to your social media profile.

See the impact member had in the run up to the election on our General elecrion impact page.

Who to speak to

Sarah Finnegan, Head of Policy