How the NHF is developing its new business strategy

Irfan Umarji, 03 October 2024

When I joined the NHF in late August as the new Executive Director of Finance and Business Services, colleagues were already busy preparing for our AGM and Financial Review, alongside developing our new five-year business strategy - so I definitely hit the ground running.

Here I would like to tell you a bit about myself, my first impressions of the NHF and why I’m looking forward to taking the business strategy work forward.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work for both commercial and not-for-profit organisations, including Moore Kingston Smith, Save the Children UK, The Royal College of Physicians and The Royal Society.

I was previously Director of Finance and Operations at Impetus, a not-for-profit that works in partnership with a portfolio of charities to transform the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. My time there gave me a first-hand understanding of the importance of good quality social housing and the impact it has on people’s lives.

The NHF business strategy will determine our key pieces of work and priorities until 2030.

I hope to play a key role in this process, ensuring that the work and priorities agreed are delivered efficiently, not only by my Business Services team but the organisation as a whole, continuing to provide the best value for money for our members.

It’s important that as many members as possible take part in our strategic review to provide the feedback and insight we need to shape the strategy.

Hopefully you have already had some involvement or have been invited to a future event but if you want to find out more, please contact my colleague Bethan Buck.

Since joining the NHF, what I could determine very quickly was that the organisation was in a strong financial position, with clear and effective planning processes already in place. It seemed that providing value for money services was already a priority, including special member offers for smaller housing associations and those in rural areas.

Recent years have seen tough financial times for many, so it was good to see that the NHF has kept membership prices below inflation, resulting in a real terms price reduction in affiliation fees.

At the NHF we are constantly evolving our offer to members. Next month we launch our new National Finance Network, a virtual space for finance colleagues from across the sector to discuss everything from accounting and asset management, to tax and treasury. If you would like to join us on Friday 1 November, please get in touch.

I am excited to be starting my new role at the NHF, looking ahead to our 2025-30 business strategy and our plans to shape a positive future for our members. My team will make sure the NHF has the systems and long-term financial sustainability to deliver our important work and provide value for money services that have a lasting impact.