DLUHC announce intention to introduce new package of oversight for supported housing

17 March 2022

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has published a Written Ministerial Statement. The statement concerns the quality and regulation of supported housing. We have included a summary below.


Key measures include:

  • The introduction of minimum standards for the support provided to residents. The aim of this is to ensure that residents receive the good quality support they expect and deserve in order to live as independently as possible and achieve their personal goals.
  • New powers for local authorities in England to better manage their local supported housing market and ensure that rogue landlords cannot exploit the system to the detriment of vulnerable residents and at the expense of taxpayers.
  • Changes to Housing Benefit regulations to seek to define care, support and supervision to improve quality and value for money across all specified supported housing provision.

The statement also announced funding of £20m for a three-year Supported Housing Improvement Programme which is open to bids from all local authorities, with a portion ring-fenced for local authorities that participated in phase two of the pilots. It seeks to “build on the clear successes of the supported housing pilots…to drive up quality in the sector in some of the worst affected areas immediately, while the Government develops and implements longer term regulatory changes.”

There is also a commitment to “work closely with local government, sector representatives, providers and people with experience of supported housing as we develop these measures to ensure they are fit for purpose, deliverable and minimise unintended consequences for the providers of much needed, good quality supported housing.”

NHF response

In response to the statement, Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, said:

“The National Housing Federation agrees that there needs to be better oversight of both quality and value for money in parts of the supported housing market.  

Residents with support needs should feel confident that they will be provided with appropriate housing and have access to high quality support service. 

We welcome this announcement and will work closely with our members and the government on the detail, including pressing for much-needed dedicated funding for housing related support.”