NHF response to Labour proposal for new Compulsory Purchase Orders powers and funding for planning

07 June 2024

Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of National Housing Federation, says:

"We welcome Labour’s announcement of new CPO powers for public bodies and additional funding for the planning system. Enabling local councils to buy cheaper land through Compulsory Purchase Orders without paying 'hope value' will allow them to build more of the desperately needed affordable homes the country needs, in the right places for the people who need it most.

"Providing more people with access to homeownership should be one part of a holistic approach to solving this crisis, with shared ownership being a key option for first time buyers. In order to ensure all have access to the home they deserve, however, this must sit alongside a major investment in a new generation of social homes, the most affordable and secure tenure for people on low incomes, as part of a nationally coordinated fully funded long-term plan for housing."