What will it take to roll out Housing First?

14 August 2020

The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) has recently launched a project to identify what it will take to roll out Housing First for those who need it. This is part of a programme of research exploring the role Housing First can play in meeting and sustaining the government’s target to end rough sleeping.

Housing First is a housing and support approach which:

  • Gives people who have experienced homelessness and chronic health and social care needs a stable home from which to rebuild their lives.
  • Provides intensive, person-centred, holistic support that is open-ended.
  • Places no conditions on individuals, although they should want to have a tenancy.

This new project is asking what changes are needed to increase and sustain Housing First provision for the 16,500 people who need it in England. To answer this question, the CSJ want to engage with national and local agencies responsible for Housing First and other homelessness services.

The study will explore the changes in commissioning practice, funding and culture that will be needed to make Housing First work. It will also consider the impact of barriers caused by housing and welfare systems and how these can be addressed.

They are asking for evidence on:

  • The barriers that have prevented the expansion of Housing First services locally or nationally.
  • The key changes needed to overcome these barriers.
  • Whether and how the response to the pandemic has led to changes in local approaches to tackling rough sleeping and homelessness for people with high and complex support needs.
  • Examples of positive practice around Housing First.
  • Evidence and case study examples illustrating the outcomes Housing First is achieving at local level.
  • The key steps the government should be taking to roll out Housing First in England and deliver on its commitment to end rough sleeping.

How to submit evidence

If you would like to make a submission, please email Sarah Rowe at sarah.rowe@centreforsocialjustice.org.uk by 25 September 2020. Please indicate whether agencies named in your evidence give permission to be named in the project report or whether evidence should be reported anonymously if used. A pro forma is available on the CSJ website.