National Governance Network

The National Governance Network provides a space for housing association board members and governance staff to hear and discuss the latest updates, and share best practice and insights on the key issues that matter most to you.

The network meets virtually five times a year and covers a broad range of governance, regulation, assurance and related topics. Speakers include fellow governance colleagues, legal advisors, consultants and regulators.

The National Governance Network is open and free to all NHF members who are board members or governance staff.

There is also a very active TopicBox group which offers the chance to ask questions, share good practice or request an example policy or other document.

If you’re not a network member, email us to join

If you are a network member, register your place at the upcoming meeting.

Upcoming meetings

Tuesday 28 January 2025

Monday 31 March 2025

Thursday 21 August 2025

Thursday 2 October 2025

Tuesday 2 December 2025

Who to speak to

Admin team