PUB5420173 PUB5420173 magnify

Number of pages: 20

Published year: 2022

Code of conduct 2022

03 May 2022

The NHF’s Code of Conduct sets out standards for housing associations that are members of the NHF. This 2022 version is an update of the 2012 publication, and is intended to be used alongside the 2020 Code of Governance. It is for use by individual housing association staff, board members and certain involved residents, and sets out guidance according to four key themes:

  1. Acting in the best interest of the housing association and its residents.
  2. Behaving with integrity.
  3. Conducting yourself professionally and treating others well.
  4. Protecting yourself, others and the environment.

The revised code is intended to be more accessible and less prescriptive than previous iterations. It was developed in partnership with representatives across the sector, and is applicable to members of all types and sizes.

On 10 May 2022, we recorded a webinar about the Code of Conduct for smaller housing associations.

How to get the Code of Conduct

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