Chairs who have committed to the challenge

Listed alphabetically:

  • Terrie Alafat, Riverside
  • Daisy Armstrong, G15 Residents' Group
  • Robin Bailey, Green Square Accord
  • Nick Baldwin, Dimensions (UK)
  • Ann Bennett, Community Housing
  • Barrington Billings, Manningham Housing Association Limited
  • Maria Bond, GCH
  • Dennis Bradley, Livin
  • Jenny Brown, Longhurst Group
  • Francis Burrows, Pioneer Group
  • Chris Cheshire, Watford Community Housing
  • Pauline Codjoe, Anchor Housing
  • Howard Cresswell, The Havebury Housing Partnership
  • Victor Da Cunha, Local Space
  • Jane Earl, Thirteen Housing Group
  • Ian Ellis, Notting Hill Genesis
  • Sir Peter Fahy, Plus Dane Housing
  • Simon Fanshawe, Hexagon Housing Association
  • Pauline Ford, Southdown Housing Association
  • Mike Gahagan, Red Kite
  • Helen Galbraith, Orwell Housing Association
  • Maggie Galliers, National Housing Federation
  • Sara Garnham, Hundred Houses Society
  • Callum Gillespie, Nottingham Community Housing Association
  • Ian Green, Estuary Housing Association
  • Neil Hadden, Golden Lane Housing
  • Gareth Hall, MSV
  • Kevin Hartnett, Innisfree
  • Desmond Hudson, The Wrekin Housing Group
  • David Hunter, Mount Green
  • David Jepson, South Liverpool Homes
  • Mike Kay, Greatwell Homes
  • Paul Kennedy, ForHousing
  • Mike Kirk, Hyde Group
  • Valerie Lee, Plymouth Community Homes
  • Paul Leinster, bpha
  • Pamela Leonce, Inquilab
  • Hattie Llewelyn-Davies, Eastlight
  • Ged Lucas, Magenta Living
  • Sally Mason, Elim Housing 
  • Neil McCall, Origin
  • Andrew, McConnell, WDH
  • Kevin Moore, East End Homes
  • Gary Moreton, WHG
  • Wayne Morris, Abri Group
  • Harry Partington, Brighter Places
  • Paul Perkin, Evolve Housing + Support
  • Hony Premlal, Eldon Housing
  • Dave Procter, Together Housing
  • Reena Purchase, Arhag
  • Anthony Read, Lincolnshire Housing Partnership
  • Abigail Robson, Black Country Housing Group
  • Nicola Sawford, CHP
  • Jon Sibson, Peter Bedford Housing Association
  • Chris Simpson, Worthing Homes
  • Kath Smart, Acis Group
  • Andie Smith, Ocean Housing Ltd
  • Paul Smith, Weaver Vale Housing Trust
  • Eleanor Southwood, Habinteg Housing Association
  • Brian Stewart, Papworth Trust
  • Niki Stockton, Irwell Valley
  • Jane Tabor, Curo Group
  • Ken Taylor, Berneslai Homes
  • Kieran Timmins, Cobalt Housing
  • Clare Tostevin, Southway Housing Trust
  • Anna Urbanowicz, North Star
  • Claire Vilarrubi, Foundation
  • Andy Walder, Freebridge Communiy Housing
  • Dale Walker, Waltham Forest Housing Association
  • John Weguelin, Platform Housing Group
  • John Wells, ACH
  • Martin Wheatley, The Cambridge Housing Society
  • Andrew Willis, NSAH (Alliance Homes) Limited
  • Nigel Wright, Progress Housing Group

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