Accounting considerations for housing associations – discussion document

08 April 2020

We’ve produced a document outlining accounting considerations for housing associations for 2019/20 year end, focusing on the impact of coronavirus on impairment reviews of social housing, and McCloud and GMP Equalisation pensions accounting.

We’ve focused on these issues because they directly affect housing associations. There may be other areas related to the coronavirus outbreak that have implications for housing associations when preparing their year-end accounts, and these should also be considered.

The document does not form part of the Housing SORP, or supersede any provisions of the Housing SORP, and if you are preparing financial statements you should still refer to the SORP. It does not carry the authority of the Housing SORP and does not represent any additional or mandatory requirements.

We would like to thank Julia Poulter from Crowe UK (technical adviser to the Housing SORP Working Party) and Katy Taylor from Isio (the NHF’s pensions adviser) for their input into this document.

Who to speak to

Matthias Barker, Finance Policy Leader