Constituency data sheet

27 July 2020

See how much an average home costs in your area and compare this with how much people earn and other useful data.

Use this data to let MPs and the government know why investment in social housing is important in your area.

The consituency data sheet downloads as an Excel spreadsheet.

The image below is a preview.

Homes at the Heart

Our homes have never been more important to us than they have been during the coronavirus crisis. For some people, home has been a sanctuary. For others, it has been a prison. Everyone deserves a safe, secure, comfortable place to call home. Not just now, in the middle of this crisis, but always. 

Investing in social housing makes this possible. It will also boost the economy, create jobs and improve people’s lives when our nation needs it most.

That’s why we’ve launched Homes at the Heart, a national campaign and coalition calling for a once-in-a-generation investment in social housing.

Who to speak to

Tristan Carlyon, Head of Research and Analysis