Removing the invisibility of adult social care

09 June 2022

The NHF submitted a response to the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee’s call for evidence as part of their inquiry ‘Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of adult social care’. The inquiry will consider how the invisibility of adult social care impacts on both the people require it and on the people care for them. The Committee will focus on three key issues:

  • The invisibility of adult social care, and its consequences.
  • Better support for carers.
  • Putting co-production at the heart of care.

Our submission to the inquiry considers the practical reforms and innovations that, by making care more visible, might enable the delivery of better care and support. It makes particular reference to housing.

  • Long term funding: the pandemic has revealed the urgent need to address the underfunding of social care, limited integration across health and social care and lack of recognition of the skills and contribution of staff, by considering the interdependencies between social care, health care, public health and housing.
  • Money saved: Supported housing provides vital support for some of the most vulnerable people in society, for working age and older people alike. For many in these groups, the only viable alternatives to supported housing are residential care, hospital or another secure institution. Specialist housing for older people produces an annual saving to the taxpayer of around £3,000 per person through reduced reliance on health and social care services.
  • Maintaining independence: Support services help people settle into a new home, maintain their tenancies, ensure their property is safe and secure, learn life skills including cooking or budgeting and work with third parties such as landlords, Jobcentre staff or probation officers. They are designed for people who want to be as independent as possible but need assistance with some aspects of daily living.
  • People at the Heart of Social Care: We welcomed the government’s commitment in its 10 year vision for social care, People at the Heart of Social Care, to “[make] every decision about care a decision about housing.” This marks a new starting point for discussion and partnership between all levels of government, the NHS and housing providers on how to give people housing choice and deliver services focussed on keeping people independent and in control.

Who to speak to

Suzannah Young, Policy Leader