Implementing the Consumer Standards in Supported Housing

15 August 2024

The webinar provides insights for supported housing providers to help ensure you are well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of social housing consumer regulation.  

The Social Housing Regulation Act 2023 aims to improve the regulation of social housing, strengthen residents’ rights and ensure better quality and safer homes. From 1 April 2024, the revised consumer standards and Code of Practice gave applied to all registered providers. 
This webinar showcases examples of how supported housing providers are implementing the standards in their services, shares good practice and discusses challenges related to implementation. 
By staying informed and adapting to the revised Consumer Standards, supported housing providers can continue to deliver high-quality services to residents. 


  • Mary Raymer, External Affairs Manager, National Housing Federation
  • Holly Dagnall, Director of Homes and Wellbeing, NCHA
  • Oona Goldsworth, Chief Executive, BrunelCare

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Who to speak to

Mary Raymer, External Affairs Manager