Tenant Advisory Panel

How have residents have shaped Together with Tenants?

We know that to be successful, we need to design and deliver Together with Tenants in partnership with residents. 

We do this through our Tenant Advisory Panel, which is independent of the NHF and plays a crucial role in guiding and shaping the Together with Tenants work. The panel meets regularly as a group, alongside the Member Steering Group to ensure that the project is moving in the right direction.

Who are the Tenant Advisory Panel?

The Tenant Advisory Panel represent a diverse group of housing association residents, all bringing with them a wealth of experience and skills. 

If you live in a housing association home and want to find out if your landlord is a Together with Tenants adopter, look on their website for the Together with Tenants Adopter badge. This means they have adopted the charter, which is a commitment to: 

  • Establish meaningful resident engagement in decision making. 
  • Work collaboratively with residents to design mechanisms for oversight. 
  • Support residents to hold your organisation to account.  
  • Be open to the challenges that all of this brings. 

If you have any questions about how this is being delivered, please contact your landlord directly. 

Who to speak to

Ewan Fulford, Policy Officer