Our rural partners
Rural Housing 5-star plan
Rural Housing Week

Rural housing

We’re supporting housing associations to invest in rural homes and communities, and working with them to increase the number of affordable homes in rural areas.

Around 300 of our members own and manage more than 1.7 million homes in village and market towns across the country. 

There is an urgent need to protect and build more affordable housing in rural areas. Many rural communities are in danger of breaking apart, as young families and those on modest incomes are priced out, and local services are closed. 

Rural Housing Week 2025

Save the date: 7-11 July 2025. 

Last year's campaign focused on why rural communities need the next government to commit to a long-term plan for housing.


Our rural offer

We are committed to supporting housing associations that provide homes and services in rural areas. Our offer to our members with stock in rural areas is designed to help them deliver the best service possible for their customers. 

The rural housing crisis is characterised by challenges such as high house prices, low wages, seasonal renting, a high level of second home ownership and an ageing population.

This offer will support our members with rural stock to meet those challenges.

There are four key areas in which we will provide help: 

  • Profile: raising the profile of rural housing associations to increase public and political understanding of the work they do.
  • Policy: influencing the national policy agenda to ensure rural housing associations get the resources they need to deliver.
  • Collaboration: helping our members to collaborate, speak with one voice, and develop the capacity they need to succeed.
  • Delivery: delivering the aspirations set out in the 5-star plan for rural housing.

Who to speak to

Patrick Merton-Jones, External Affairs Manager