Case studies and blogs
EDI data tool
National Network for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Professionals
Disability Confident best practice for housing associations

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Improving equality, diversity and inclusion is key to achieving our ambition of improving trust in our sector. It also goes to the heart of who we are as organisations and what we stand for as a sector. Housing associations are driven by strong social values, but there is more that we can and should be doing to ensure our leadership is diverse, and that our workplaces embrace equality.

We’re working with our members, through national groups and networks, to drive a shift in culture in delivering inclusive workplaces.


To get the latest news and updates in your inbox, check the 'Equality, diversity and inclusion updates' box in your communications preferences.

Find out more


How diverse is England’s housing association workforce in 2023?

This report presents the NHF's latest findings on diversity within the housing association workforce in England. We have EDI data from 177 organisations, representing 76% of homes owned by housing associations in England.

Read the full report

The Better Social Housing Review

The Better Social Housing Review report has been published making recommendations to housing associations to drive improvements in the quality of social housing. The report places a significant focus on addressing structural inequalities, particularly concerning race which serves as a fundamental theme in the recommendations.

Read the full report

How diverse is the housing association workforce in England?

This report presents the findings of the first ever national picture of EDI within the housing association workforce in England. We have EDI data from 174 organisations, representing 71% of homes owned by housing associations in England.

Read the full report

Insight Review of housing association staff in England

As a starting point, in Autumn 2020 we launched our full report on equality, diversity and inclusion in housing association staff in England which was created to help housing providers understand where we are as a sector and start a conversation on where we’d like to get to.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Read the full report


Roadmap to equality: creating an inclusive future

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are integral to housing associations’ work and to excellent governance. Alongside a group of board members, and in partnership with Altair, we've developed a series of resources to help you lead on this work.

Sign up for our Chairs' Challenge, download resources to help guide fair and effective recruitment, and learn from housing associations' experiences running associate board member schemes.

EDI data tool

2023 EDI data tool collection exercise

A big thank you to NHF members for contributing your data to our latest EDI data tool collection. Overall, 177 EDI Data Tools were submitted representing 76% of homes across the sector in England.

The full results of the data collection can be found in our report: 'How diverse is England's housing association workforce in 2023'.

National Groups and Networks

Join our Chief Executive EDI Network

This network is for sector leaders to explore their crucial role in shifting workplace culture to become more inclusive. The meetings are an opportunity to hear from out of sector experts in aspects of the equality and diversity agenda, and to discuss challenges and ideas with sector colleagues.                                                                                                                                                       

Find out more

Join our EDI Network for Professionals

We invite member housing association staff who have some responsibility or interest in equality, diversity and inclusion to join this national network. Attendees can expect to hear from out of sector experts and will have the opportunity to speak with other network members to learn from one another, share ideas, and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Find out more

Working collaboratively and sharing best practice

Best practice from around the sector

Over the last few years we have seen some fantastic examples of how housing associations are creating initiatives and assessing their internal practices to make sure they are being as inclusive as possible. Our members have shared their lessons with us through case studies.

Disability Confident best practice for housing associations

We have published a range of resources and content to share Disability Confident best practice with members from across our sector.

Who to speak to

Kim Long, External Affairs Manager